
My name is Freya Bobka, I am 20 years old and a volunteer at Isibani since August 2013. As all German volunteers I spend one year away from home which is in Eckernförde, close to Hamburg.

Right after I finished school I decided to get a bigger picture of the world we are living in. Over 9.000km away from my parents, my three siblings, my friends and my boyfriend I have the wonderful experience of working for the community. Most of my time I spend with my “new family” which includes everyone at Isiphephelo. I am kind of a mum, aunt and older sister for the children, in those roles I help them with the healing from the things that happened to them and to find trust and love again. I support their schooling, have playtime and fun with them and teach them as much as possible for their future life.

Because I love to work with children and my head is full of ideas I also support Anne in the Crèche with the teaching lessons. I enjoy being busy so I am happy to help wherever there is someone needed. At Isibani work is varied and the outcome is great.

I hope that the Isibani team will always be able to see the needs of the community. I hope that we can show people the right way and encourage them to make a change in their lives.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

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